
作者:小悠 浏览数:0相关栏目:热门资讯


Whe i comes o car brads, here are umerous opios o choose from. Wheher you are lookig for a luxury car or a budge-friedly opio, here is a brad ou here for you. Here is a lis of some popular car brads ad heir ames i boh Eglish ad Chiese.

Luxury Car Brads

1. BMW - 宝马 (bǎo mǎ)

2. Mercedes-Bez - 奔驰 (bē chí)

3. Audi - 奥迪 (ào dí)

4. Lexus - 雷克萨斯 (léi kè sà sī)

5. Jaguar - 捷豹 (jié bào)

6. Porsche - 保时捷 (bǎo shí jié)

7. Rolls-Royce - 劳斯莱斯 (láo sī lái sī)

Budge-Friedly Car Brads

1. Hyudai - 现代 (xià dài)

2. Kia - 起亚 (qǐ yà)

3. Toyoa - 丰田 (fēg iá)

4. Hoda - 本田 (bě iá)

5. issa - 日产 (rì chǎ)

6. Ford - 福特 (fú è)

7. Chevrole - 雪佛兰 (xuě fó lá)

Spors Car Brads

1. Ferrari - 法拉利 (fǎ lā lì)

2. Lamborghii - 兰博基尼 (lá bó jī í)

3. Aso Mari - 阿斯顿马丁 (ā sī dù mǎ dīg)

4. Bugai - 布加迪 (bù jiā dí)

5. McLare - 迈凯轮 (mài kǎi lú)

6. Lous - 莲花 (liá huā)

7. Maserai - 玛莎拉蒂 (mǎ shā lā dì)


Wheher you are i he marke for a luxury car, a budge-friedly opio, or a spors car, here is a brad ou here for you. Kowig he ames of hese car brads i boh Eglish ad Chiese ca come i hady whe commuicaig wih ohers i he car idusry or whe ravelig o Chia.

